
FAQ - Grace Gate Bible School

  1. Is this an online course?



  1. Are these classes video based?

Yes, when you receive your first lecture, you will have access to that lecture for the duration of the school year. This enables students to do review if they so choose. 


  1. How much does this Bible School cost per year?

Grace Gate Bible School is completely free of charge from beginning to end. It is our goal to keep it that way.


  1. Which Denomination is this Bible School based in?



  1. Which subjects does this Bible School cover?

1st Year Course-Outline Includes:

Module #1 – Spiritual Family-Tree of the Believer

Module #2 – The Heart of the Gospel

Module #3 – The History of Heresies

Module #4 – Formation of the Biblical Canon

Module #5 – The Formation, Deformation and Reformation of the Church

Module #6 – Hermeneutics, the science of Biblical interpretation

Module #7 – Doctrines of Grace


2nd Year Course-Outline Includes:

Module #1 – The Attributes of God - Getting to know God for who He is.  

Module #2 – Decision Making and the Will of God

Module #3 – Advanced Hermeneutics - The science of Biblical interpretation.

Module #4 – An introduction to Logic - How to think and reason in a crazy world.

Module #5 – Eschatology – The study of end times according to the Bible. 


  1. What would I need to attend the school?
  • A Bible
  • A computer
  • The Internet


  1. How many semesters are there per year?

There are 2 semesters

  1. How many modules per semester?

There are 6 modules for our 1st year course and 5 modules for the 2nd year course.

  1. How many weeks [months] does Grace Gate Bible School run?

The entire course runs for 32 weeks total [March through November].

  1. How long are the lectures?

Between 30 minutes and 1 hour each.

  1. Is there a break between semesters?

No. One of our goals is to encourage the habit of weekly Bible Study. Since the course only requires approximately 1 hour of study per week and gives an entire week to complete one lecture , a break/vacation would not be practical.

  1. When does the first class begin?

March 1st, however, students can make use of late-enroll, which runs up to Friday March 31st

Late enrollments will be given the opportunity to do makeup classes.


  1. When will enrollment close?

March 31.

All late enrollments [those enrolling between March 1st and March 31st] will be given the opportunity to do makeup classes.  


  1. What about homework?

You will be required to complete an average of 3 to 5 questions per class.

The moment you submit the questions, you will receive credits for that class.

You will receive the questions before you watch the class.

You can also download the notes for that specific class and find the answers to the questions in the notes. It is an ‘open book test’.

You will be graded, not on your answer, but on your effort to answer the questions. [Please see question #14 below for more details on the grading system].

  1. How much time do I have to complete each class?

An entire week.

  1. How many classes [lectures] are a student required to attend in order to graduate?

There are 2 semesters and a student can miss up to [but not more than] 4 classes per semester in order to graduate.

  1. If I happen to fall behind, am I able to do makeup classes?



  1. How does the grading system work?

Our grading is attendance and participation based.

The moment a student submits their homework, they will be marked present and will receive credits for their effort in answering the questions for that class.

The answers will not be graded, but will be used by our Grace Gate team as a guide to see if the material is grasped or not.

If the student has attended sufficient number of classes by the end of the school year [consider #11], they will graduate and receive a personalized certificate of completion.

  1. What is your Statement of Faith?


What we believe about…


  • The Holy Scriptures

We believe the Scriptures are divinely inspired, meaning they are word for word from the mind of God, directly written to His human family [2 Tim 3:16].

We believe Scripture is God-breathed, meaning that all Scripture is filled with God’s Holy Spirit. It follows then that when Scripture is obeyed, the one obeying Scripture is in fact being led by the Holy Spirit of God [2 Tim 3:16].

We believe Scripture [Old and New Testaments, 66 books in total] is inerrant, meaning it is without error or contradiction [Prov 30:5; Is 40:8].

We believe Scripture is infallible, meaning Scripture will never fail, but will accomplish that which it was sent forth to do. Scripture is infallible in the sense that every truth is secure and eternal, every promise will be fulfilled [Psalm 19:7; Psalm 12:6].

We believe Scripture is sufficient, meaning that, in order to be complete and lacking in nothing, the believer will not need anything else beyond the Canon of Scripture for salvation or life, but will be complete in all things through it. [2 Tim 3:14-17; 2 Pet 1:3]

We believe that our response to Scripture is in fact our response to God Himself.

To embrace Scripture is to embrace God.

To reject Scripture is to reject God.

To submit to Scripture is to submit to God.

To overthrow Scripture is to rebel against God.

  • God

We believe there is one true and living God [Deut 6:4], eternally existing in three Persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit [Matt 28:19; 2 Cor 13:14].

We believe each of the God head to be divine and equally deserving of our worship and obedience.

We believe God to be the creator and sustainer of all things created [John 1:3; Heb 1:3].

We believe God is Holy in the sense that He is separate from His creation, that there is no one like Him and that there is nothing that can be compared to Him.

We believe He is Holy in that He is morally perfect.

  • Man

We teach that man is made in God’s image [Gen 1:27].

We teach that after Adam’s disobedience and because of his disobedience, sin entered humanity and as a result impacted the human creature and his nature to a devastating degree.

As a result of his sin nature;

  • man lost his innocence before God [Gen 3:7-11]
  • man was separated from God [Is 59:2]
  • he became hostile toward God [Rom 8:7]
  • sin destroyed his mental capacity to submit to God [Rom 8:7]
  • man lost his volition to choose Christ [John 6:44]

We teach that the effects of sin on human nature is devastating to the point that unless God redeems him, that man’s salvation would be impossible [Luke 18:27].

  • Salvation

We teach that justification is by faith in Christ alone and not by any human effort [Gal 2:15-16].

We teach this salvation as a monergistic act of God.

Salvation belongs, not to God and man, but to God alone [Rev 7:10].

This means that God initiates and completes the entire act of salvation all by Himself, without man’s intervention or participation.

Man brings nothing to the act of his own salvation except for the sin that made his salvation necessary.

God is both the author and the finisher of our faith. [Heb 12:2].

That would mean He gets all the glory for saving a lost soul.

We teach that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone for God’s glory alone.